Henrique Pita Barros

Hi, welcome to my personal website! 

I am an Assistant Professor (Professor Auxiliar) at the Department of Economics of ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics & Management, University of Lisbon. I graduated from Brown University with a PhD in Economics in 2024My work studies how the disruption caused by migration, forced displacement and conflict affects human behavior. 

I am leading several field experiments in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique, focusing on the socioeconomic integration of internally displaced persons amid the ongoing conflict affecting the region. My work is being supported by the International Growth Centre, the J-PAL Crime and Violence Initiative, the IPA / J-PAL  Displaced Livelihoods Initiative and UNU-WIDER. My research has been featured in the World Bank Development Impact Blog, newspaper Expresso (in Portuguese) and Voice of America (TV interview in Portuguese).

I am also a Visiting Assistant Professor of Research at Brown University and a Consultant for UNU-WIDER (United Nations University -- World Institute for Development Economics Research).

E-mails: pitabarros@iseg.ulisboa.pt or henrique_pita_barros@brown.edu